
Q. What is wrong with you??
A. Some mysteries are best left unsolved. Whatever it is, if it amuses you, just run with it!

Q. How often do you update?
A. Ha, you wish I had an answer for this one! I try to update at least once a week, but sometimes I do more, and sometimes, less. Whenever I have something to say, really. I don't have a set schedule. 

Q. I'd like to use an image or blog post of yours. Can I?
A. Please see the "Contact/Media" tab for more information on using my material.

Q. Look at this radar! Wanna make a picture out of it?
A. Yes! Yes I do! I love the submissions I get, and wish I could make fun pictures out of all of them. Sometimes, though, my creativity is in short supply, and I get a little case of Bloggers Block. So, if you've submitted something I have yet to use, a) Thank you! and b) I apologize if I let you down. Someday, perhaps, I'll get caught up and do a big ol' submissions post. 'Til then, I appreciate you! I promise!

Q. Did you really say all that stuff to (Omegle peeps, Comcast, the Mormons, etc)?
A. I sure did, friend. I sure did. Sometimes, I'll edit out a small portion if it gets boring for a minute, but over-all, the content is 98% unaltered.

Q. You didn't answer my question. :c
A. Oh. :c I'm sorry! Email me at amandakay2011@gmail.com. I will!

Q. Thanks for answering my question and all, but where did your "un-asked" questions go?
A. They're gone. Gone forever. Like your childhood dreams.

Q. Who are you?
A. Well...

Name: Amanda K
Age: 27
Location: Indiana
Occupation: html & letter jockey 
Hobbies: Dabbling in music; scribbling over weather radars; fighting crime.
Two favorite colors: Blue & Purple
Two least favorite colors: Red & Orange
Fears: Spiders; drowning
Ambitions: Becoming an exterminator; not drowning

Now you know.